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Category: 2014-2015


Eve Egoyan

We present concert pianist Eve Egoyan, one of Canada’s most revered musicians, for the first time in Winnipeg, performing a pair of distinct concerts: 2014-2015

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2014-2015 SEASON

2014-2015 Season Curious, remarkable, and profound, GroundSwell’s 2014-15 season brings you heightened experiences, unique sound

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Virtuous Monsters

Montreal supergroupe Ensemble Transmission opens our 2014-15 season with a flourish of French music from Québec and France including bold works by Claude Vivier, André Ristic and 20th-Century titans Pierre Boulez and Tristan Murail. Described as “a motley crew of six incredible performers… 2 blowers (flute/clarinet), 2 bowers (violin/cello), and 2 bangers (percussion/piano)”, Transmission will astound you with their fierce energy and creativity.

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Devotion 2014-2015 Monday, October 27, 2014, 8pmCentre culturel franco-manitobain340 Provencher Blvd. Fusing the borders between

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Timber Timbre

Montreal supergroupe Ensemble Transmission opens our 2014-15 season with a flourish of French music from Québec and France including bold works by Claude Vivier, André Ristic and 20th-Century titans Pierre Boulez and Tristan Murail. Described as “a motley crew of six incredible performers… 2 blowers (flute/clarinet), 2 bowers (violin/cello), and 2 bangers (percussion/piano)”, Transmission will astound you with their fierce energy and creativity.

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