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The dis/Organized Sound Series was launched in our 2018-19 season to create a space for exploring innovative ways to interact with our shared sound environment.

Sound Walks, pop-up concerts, experimenting with found and built instruments, and more… if you have an idea, get in touch! / 204-943-5770

#1: SoundWalk 1
Thursday, April 25, 2019, 7PM
Eckhardt-Gramatté Hall, University of Winnipeg

Leif Norman

Before the Made in Canada concert on April 25, 2019, participants let their ears show the way, to rediscover our rich and varied urban soundscape. Here’s a little primer on the concept: Soundwalking as Ecological Practice.

Led by Karen Sunabacka

#2: In C Pop-Up
Friday, August 23, 2019, 3:30PM
Front lawn, University of Winnipeg

As part of Pressure Waves 2019, the streets of downtown were filled with the music of Terry Riley’s In C. Workshop participants showcased their in-progress improvisation chops from the week.

The event gathered passersby from the campus and downtown to join in or simply listen, creating a lively end-to-summer buzz of community.

Led by Kathryn Ladano and Glenn Buhr

#3: SoundWalk 2
Sunday, October 6, 2019, 6:40pm
Canadian Museum of Human Rights, Stuart Clark Garden of Contemplation

Leif Norman

Our second addition of Soundwalking as Ecological Practice took place before Park Sounds Duo: Root Systems on October 6, 2019.
View some of the moments here.

Led by Karen Sunabacka

dis/Organized Sound Series
